Wednesday 26 September 2012

C.O.O.L and C.U.T.E

Boys should be cool in every moment.
Girls should be cute in every moment
As a man , please be cool to settle any problem that you face.
Cool doesn't means you are show off
Act as COOL is SHOW OFF!!
So, never to show off.

Boys like to be cool in front of girls
girls, do you think boys like to act as coolest person in front of you?
Hahaha . . 
The answer is Yes
How dare you girls...
But ...
How about girls like to act as CUTEST person in the world . . 
I saw everyday . . 
Sorry girls . . . 
Cute show on your action , attitude , and the way you are
Cute come from your naturalistic.
Please be natural on yourself girls.
Love You All.
Okay got it!!

Boys with their COOL
Girls with their CUTE

Hahaha . . .
So girls, please act wisely as everybody are looking towards on you .
And Boys, please be cool but not act as COOL


Tuesday 25 September 2012

E . X . A . M

Final exam is coming soon . 
Me not ready yet . .
Still with the shit assignment . . 
I can't start my preparation for this final exam . .
Please help me . . 
Please make me calm and relax

Dear myself,
Prepare yourself brother . . .
Study with smart
Study with relax
Study with no stress

Always remember ALLAH always with you
All problems need to be solve
Make your life always in peace

The future! we decide and we put effort on it
Relax and be Cool
Cool come from your heart
all the things come from heart need in the positive thought

Here are the tips to excellent in the exam:
Full preparation on your study
Wake up in the morning and start your study 
Start with the prayer
Then, a glass of plain water
Take a deep breath
start your revision on your subjects
Just have your study in 1 hour
stop for a while for your brain to rest
Do something that can make you fresh and relieve from the stress
Be cool and Relax
That all
Good luck Pals

Be CooL as SmarT Thinker

Monday 24 September 2012

S.M.I.L.E. W.I.T.H. L.O.V.E.

When I see your smile
Tears roll down my face I can't replace
And now that I'm strong I have figured out
How this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul
And I know I'll find deep inside me I can be the one

It's okay.
Seasons are changing
And waves are crashing
And stars are falling all for us
Days grow longer and nights grow shorter
I can show you I'll be the one

Cuz you're my true love, my whole heart
Please don't throw that away
Cuz I'm here for you
Please don't walk away and 
Please tell me you'll stay 

Use me as you will
Pull my strings just for a thrill
And I know I'll be okay
Though my skies are turning grey

I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all

S . H . E


The post title is SHE .

She  means a girl , woman , lady . . .
She that I want to describe is a person that is a young lady . . .
She is may be my future love (wife) . ..
who knows?

She is the person who can accept all about me . . .
She is the person who can be discuss . .  .(in any problem)
She is the person who can be tolerate easily with me . .
She is the person who can settle the problem smoothly with me . . .
She is the person who can cook with me  . .( Me love cooking)
She is the person who is always can be with me . . 
 The main point is She has to care her pride!!
who cares I'm in love with YOU . . .


B . E . R . S. A . M . A

Assalamualaikum . . . 

Hye Semua
Apa itu BERSAMA?
Bersama mempunyai kata asalnya adalah SAMA
Sama bermaksud selari , seiring . . .
Konteks bersama yang aku nak nyatakan ini adalah konteks bersama terhadap soal KAWAN . . 

K . A . W . A. N
Apa itu kawan?
Kawan adalah seseoran atau lebih yang saling kenal mengenali dan berada pada sesuatu tempat.
Rakan dan Kawan sama?
Kawan dan sahabat?
Bagi pendapat aku,
rakan adalah kenalan biasa seperti rakan niaga , rakan kelas, rakan sekerja,
Kawan adalah seseorang yang mengenali dan sentiasa berada ada persekitaran kita yang sentiasa bersama.
Manakala sahabat adalah seorang rakan atau kawan yang mengenali hati budi ,sentiasa rapat, saling memahami, melakukan sesuatu perkara dengan bersama.

S . A . H . A . B . A . T
Pentingnya seorang sahabat atau seorang kawan .
Ingat kita sebagai manusia adalah saling bergantung sesama lain.
Budi Pekerti , tingkah laku , kata -kata yang dilepaskan ,
mestilah dijaga agar dapat menjaga hati yang lain.
Tindakan pertama yang dilakukan adalah memikirkan baik buruk selepas sesuatu perkara yang dilakukan.
Niat Hati perlulah dijaga dan pemikiran masing-masing perlu diputihkan daripada kekotoran.

Berkawan biarlah ramai , Janganlah ada musuh pada diri sendiri


Sunday 23 September 2012


This is about me and my family.
I am LaN.
I am born on 17th February 1993 and today I am 19 years old.
My family is just a normal family, sometimes it is sorrow,
it is in happiness, it is in enjoyable.
Learn to be a leader.

My IBU is much great person in my life.
I am always need my mother.
She always heard and knew what my heart feel.
I love to eat her cook.
The most is " ayam masak rendang"
Me also love to cook with her.
(no girls in my house)
(Familiar name : TIM)

Continue with My AYAH . . .
MY ayah is such the most best person and the person never forgot me.
Even if i am long time no call trough the phone.
So he will.
(what a such bad son??)(ME)
He is hard-working person.
Everything He can do.
I try to be like him.
His Thought is futuristics and always advice me to the best man.
(Familiar Name : ALBO)

Okay now with my younger brother and the only one I have.
Familiar with DF.
2 years younger than me.
Gadgets Guy.
( laa sangat :P )
Still in school and busy with his SPM
Person that me always fighting.
Always he is the winner.
(mengalah untuk adik kan)


A . K . U

Assalamualaikum . . . 
Nama diberi Muhammad Fadzilan B. Abd  Latif
19 Tahun
Muda lagi
Cuba untuk menjadi "talented person"
Aku suka 
  • Makan : Nasi Bujang (hehehehe orang bujang) 
  • Minum : Jus Belimbing
  • Buat : bersosial dengan kawan (aktiviti)
  • Masak : Mee udang besar MAMAT (special menu)
  • Kawan : ramai sangat
  • Awek : ?????(hanya dalam hati)
Aku cuba sedaya upaya untuk menjadi seorang yang berjaya.
Aku ada prinsip diri yang tersendiri.
Prinsip aku tidak membebankan sesiapa.
Hanya berpegang kepada "tidak melukakan hati"
Aku tak sebaik mana pun.
Hanya seorang manusia.
Ada salah dan silap.
Pendirian aku tetap dijaga.
Leadership in my life
PENTING (seorang lelaki)
Yang amat penting dalam hidup aku adalah KELUARGA aku.
Aku sayang IBU
Aku sayang AYAH
Aku sayang ADIK

Kawan - Kawan pun Penting!
Aku percayakan kawan - kawan aku.
Aku support kawan - kawan aku.